Feb 09, 2025
PHT 264 - Digital Photography IICredit Hours: 3 Teaches theory and practice of digital photography, including the Adobe Photoshop techniques needed for top quality inkjet prints. Emphasizes use of digital cameras in studio and on location. Teaches advanced techniques of image editing, including photo restoration and multi-image compositing. Students work with existing images, including family snapshots and antique photographs, as well as photographs shot specifically for the course. In addition to prescribed assignments a personal project allows for exploration of creative ideas and topics of the student’s choice. Provides training in digital image transmission from remote locations.
Lecture Hours: Lecture 2 hours. Recitation and Laboratory Hours: Laboratory 3 hours. Semester(s) Offered: Spring Only Prerequisites: Students taking this course should feel comfortable working at a computer, be familiar with negotiating program menus, and know how files are saved and stored. A camera with manually adjustable aperture and shutter is required.
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