Feb 17, 2025  
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources

Academic Advising for Students with Academic Concerns


Students whose academic standing is “academic warning” or “academic probation” must meet with an advisor before registering. Students with 30 or fewer graded credit hours and students who have not declared a program will meet with an advisor in Advising Services. Students can make an appointment with their Advising Services Advisor through Navigate.

Students with 31 or more graded credit hours who have declared a program (major) should meet with an advisor in their school. Students whose academic standing is “academic suspension” or students who wish to be readmitted after dismissal from Reynolds must meet with an academic advisor through the Office of Retention Services. Referral to Retention Services can be made through Advising Services on any campus.

The EARLY ALERTS program is designed to help students who may be struggling in classes. Students are contacted in an effort to avoid long-term academic and financial aid issues. Students receiving a college email from a professor through this initiative (currently from gradesfirst.com) may also be contacted by Tutoring Services or an advisor who can provide additional resources and assistance.

Advising Services


Reynolds subscribes to proactive and holistic advising services to students that are a highly collaborative system of shared responsibilities between students, faculty advisors, professional advisors, wrap-around student supports, Administrators, and community partners. The goal of academic advising is to assist students from the point of application to graduation in developing career plans to secure employment opportunities, educational plans that provide opportunities for enhancing academic skills, providing accurate information regarding academic program progression, understanding, and applying academic policies and procedures to access campus and community resources. 

The advising program focuses on the development of a continuous culture of care for all of our students. Students should meet with their assigned advisor to obtain information and assistance at any time to receive support and or guidance to achieve their educational goals. For more information, contact advising@reynolds.edu or call (804) 523-6464.

Campus Store


A campus store is located on the Downtown and Parham Road Campuses.

Students have the option to purchase new textbooks, used textbooks, rental textbooks, digital textbooks, supplies, Reynolds logo clothing and gifts, and more. The campus stores accepts personal checks, major credit cards and Follett gift cards, in addition to cash.

Students receiving financial aid may only charge textbooks and supplies to their financial aid awards. Authorized agency charge accounts may be maintained for students who are financially supported by recognized state, federal, or private institutions. Students may charge to their financial aid or third party account during specific charge dates during each semester. Check with your local store for dates pertaining to a specific semester.

Textbooks are stocked by course identification and section number, i.e., BUS 100 81PR. A full refund will be given in the original form of payment if textbooks are returned during the first week of classes with original receipt. With proof of schedule change and original receipt, a full refund will be given in the original form of payment up until the last day to drop with refund (with the exception of the summer semester). No refunds on unwrapped loose leaf books or access codes. Textbooks must be in original condition. No refunds or exchanges without original receipt.

Students have the opportunity to sell textbooks back to the campus stores if they are in good condition. In order to sell back textbooks to the campus store, the student must present a valid Reynolds student ID. Students can sell their books back year round and can receive up to 50% back of the original purchasing price until our limits are reached during the week of finals.

For general questions or additional information regarding the hours of operation for a specific campus, please contact:
Downtown Campus - (804) 786-8580 or jsrdowntownshop.com
Parham Road Campus - (804) 371-3266 or jsrparhamshop.com
For information about the Goochland Campus, contact the Parham Road Campus Store.

Career Services


Through Career Services, Reynolds provides help for students and alumni in the process of career exploration, career development, and employment preparation. The Career Counselor and Career Advisor guide students in establishing career goals, planning and preparing for a chosen occupation. Workshops on resume assistance, interview preparation, and other career topics are regularly scheduled. Individual appointments are also available.

Reynolds maintains an online job board, College Central Network. Students interested in full time, part time, summer positions, or internships should visit collegecentral.com/reynolds to view job announcements.

Center for the Deaf


The Center for the Deaf, which is a part of the Office of Student Accommodations (OSA) coordinates support services for students with documented disabilities on all campuses enrolled in college programs. The center also provides interpreters for the Deaf and hard of hearing students.

For additional information, contact the Office of Student Accommodations:
Downtown Campus and The Kitchens: (804)523-5628, First Floor Lobby, Room 105
Parham Road Campus and Goochland Campus: (804) 523-5290, Parham Road Campus, Georgiadis Hall, suite 101
VA Relay 711 for any number at Reynolds
Email: OSA@reynolds.edu

College Success Skills Classes


Designed to be taken in the first 15 credit hours, student development courses (SDV 100  and 101) provide students with information and experiences which help them succeed in college. Career development, study skills, academic advising, financial literacy, and college policies and procedures are covered in this class. Instructors provide individual assistance and referrals to students as needed. Completion of an SDV course is required for all students enrolled in associate, applied associate, and certificate programs, and is a general education requirement within the Virginia Community College System. SDV 101 classes are required for students in several majors such as Teacher Preparation, Culinary, Science, and American Sign Language & Interpreter Education (ASL&IE).

Computer Access


Reynolds provides students access to a wide range of software applications in support of academic programs at the college. Computers and mobile devices are available in the three campus Libraries. Support for the computers is provided by the Department of Technology. These computers have much of the necessary software to complete coursework. If the software needed for a class is not available, please contact your instructor for additional access information. Hours of operation for computer access are based on the scheduled hours that the Libraries are open. Visit library.reynolds.edu.

Downtown Campus - Library
Room 230 (804) 523-5211

Goochland Campus - Library
Main Building, Room 200 (804) 523-5419

Parham Road Campus - Library
LTC, Room 103 (804) 523-5220

The Kitchens at Reynolds
The Kitchens, Room 215 (804) 523-5498


Students experiencing non-academic difficulties should contact the Office of Student Affairs at (804) 523-5025. Staff is able to help students connect with appropriate community resources. Reynolds does not provide personal or mental health counseling.

Student Support Services


We all run our own race at our own pace. And along the way, we all encounter hurdles. Whether you need assistance getting through the week, the month, or the semester, these services can help you cross the finish line. Stop by any of our locations or call (804) 523-5005.
Downtown Campus
The 105
Parham Road Campus
Georgiadis Hall, Room 200
Goochland Campus
Room 238

Student Support Services provides a short, easy-to-use benefits screener and referral database to engage students about their potential eligibility for benefits and to refer them to organizations that can help them apply for those benefits. Students are able to complete this quick screening online and then meet with trained Reynolds staff for assistance finding local money and help.

Reynolds food pantries address emergency food service needs and are located on the Downtown, Goochland, and Parham Road campuses. Any currently enrolled student having challenges with securing meals can stop by one of our pantries and staff will assist them. The food pantries are supported by donations from the Reynolds community. For location hours, drop-off instructions, and a list of those items in critical need, visit student support services or email us at foodpantry@reynolds.edu.

In instances where students may need assistance with bills due to extenuating circumstances, additional funds may be available in the form of an emergency loan. Students interested in emergency loans may receive up to $1,500 to help with costs that may include rent, transportation, food, and other expenses associated with attending Reynolds during the academic year. Foundation funds are provided and students can repay these funds through expected financial aid refunds, provided authorization is given.



The mission of Reynolds Libraries is to provide an inclusive environment where students, faculty, staff, and the public can attain their learning and teaching needs, develop strong lifelong information literacy skills, and provide access to information to encourage free inquiry. Consistent with the Reynolds mission, we are committed to providing innovative and quality resources and services to students to ensure their academic success.

Reynolds Libraries offer:

  • 81,000+ print books, 270,000+ eBooks, 6,000+ DVDS & 56,000+ online films
  • 165+ research databases that provide access to millions of full-text articles
  • Remote access to research databases 24/7 with MyREYNOLDS login
  • Interlibrary Loan or Universal Borrowing
  • Premium computers with MS Office Suite and specialized software
  • Laptops for loans
  • Research consultation in person, by phone, email, and via 24/7 live chat
  • Group Study Rooms for collaborative projects
  • Workshops and Library Instruction

Library Services Locations and Contact Numbers:

Downtown Campus Library
Room 230 (804) 523-5211

Goochland Campus Library
Main Building, Room 200 (804) 523-5419

Parham Road Campus Library
Massey LTC, Room 103 (804) 523-5220  

The Kitchens Resource Center
Room 215, (804) 523-5079

Math Central+


Helping students in math, engineering, physics and more!

Math Central+ provides coaching and support for students at Reynolds. Qualified faculty and peer coaches offer a variety of techniques to support students through developmental and credit level math as well as physics and engineering courses. Whether you need help with a single homework assignment or ongoing support through the completion of your courses, MathCentral+ coaches provide important tools for success and are there to offer encouragement  along the way. We also assist with registration for mathematics courses and registration and usage of software required in many courses. Students are encouraged to come to Math Central+ to do their math homework knowing help is always nearby.

About our coaches

Math Central+ coaches are not only knowledgeable, they are great mentors who lead by example. Math Central+ offers walk-in and one-on-one appointments, both virtual and in person, along with group help sessions. Many of our seasoned coaches are qualified instructors. Peer coaches are students who have completed college level courses and have been recommended by our instructors to work in Math Central+. Our coaches work directly with students by helping them with course content and mentoring them to become better prepared mathematics students.  

Downtown Campus(804) 523-5037
Parham Road Campus(804) 523-5525

New Student Orientation


The Office of First-Year Initiatives supports efforts to provide a successful start for new students at Reynolds by offering New Student Orientation known as “SOAR” (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration). SOAR sessions are offered in a variety of formats to meet students where they are and assist with the following:

  • Learning how to navigate MyREYNOLDS and Navigate accounts
  • Opportunities to speak with a financial aid representative
  • Talking with an advisor about possible programs and receive a set of recommended classes for registration
  • Creating a class schedule for the upcoming term
  • Discovering student success resources like free services including tutoring, student accommodations, and how to get involved in campus activities

Research has shown that students who participate in SOAR before their first semester have an easier transition into college, higher first-semester grade point averages, are more likely to continue in their education. SOAR sessions require advanced registration and information can be found at www.reynolds.edu/orientation. Please contact soar@reynolds.edu or 804-523-5155 for more information.

Program for Adults in Vocational Education (PAVE)


The Program for Adults in Vocational Education (PAVE) is a two-year career studies certificate program that provides vocational and technical training for adults with disabilities, including but not limited to, intellectual disabilities, severe learning disabilities, and emotional disabilities.

The overall purpose of PAVE is to provide post-secondary training programs that incorporate functional academic instruction, job skills training, and community-based internships, which prepares the student to apply for employment in the competitive job market. Successful completion of a Career Studies Certificate through PAVE can lead to the development of effective work skills and increased confidence in the work place.

Applicants must meet Reynolds general admission requirements and the program’s specific requirements. These requirements include: completion of a high school program with a diploma recognized by the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), or GED; and possession of social skills necessary to function independently among peers in the college environment.

For additional information regarding the PAVE program, call (804) 523-5572, email PAVE@reynolds.edu, or use the 711 Relay system for any number at Reynolds. PAVE is located on the Downtown Campus, Room 444.

Office of Student Accommodations


Reynolds complies with both the letter and the spirit of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADA AA) and other laws protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities. The Office of Student Accommodations (OSA) seeks to provide access to educational opportunities for individuals with disabilities by removing barriers and providing programmatic and physical access to participate.

Students with documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations through the OSA office. In order to be eligible for accommodation, students must comply with the institution’s established process. Reynolds does not exclude any otherwise qualified individuals, solely by reason of their disability, from participation in any programs or services offered by Reynolds.

Services and accommodations are provided to students with a variety of disabilities including and not limited to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, blindness/low vision, deafness/hard of hearing, learning disabilities, mobility and chronic health, psychological disorders (including Autism Spectrum Disorders), and other impairments.

The OSA staff encourages and assists students in their understanding of the nature of their disability and its impact on their learning and participation at Reynolds. Students are provided with opportunities to learn about their rights and responsibilities, procedures for requesting accommodations and about the wide range of programs and opportunities available at Reynolds and the surrounding community.

Students planning to request accommodations services from OSA are encouraged to contact the OSA at least three weeks from the start of the semester they plan to enroll.

For additional information, contact the Office of Student Accommodations:
Downtown Campus and The Kitchens: (804) 523-5628
Parham Road Campus and Goochland Campus: (804) 523-5290
VA Relay 711 for any number at Reynolds
Email: OSA@reynolds.edu

Student Life


The Office of Student Life is dedicated to providing social, educational, leadership, recreational and service activities that promote student engagement and learning, cultural awareness, and social responsibility. The office emphasizes the importance of respect by creating an environment where students can freely express their opinions and beliefs with good intentions of achieving a common goal.

Reynolds has many active student clubs. Getting involved in student clubs and organizations is an exciting way for students to meet fellow students, develop leadership skills, and enhance their classroom experiences. By planning or participating in student activities, students can help make a positive impact. Students who do not find an on-campus club that meets their interests are welcome to work with the Office of Student Life to start a new club.

The Office of Student Life coordinates trips to sporting events, theaters, and four-year colleges and universities. It also plans a variety of student activities, fairs, speakers, community service activities, free fitness classes and sports tournaments for students. In addition, Student Life oversees the Student Life Centers located at the Parham Road and Downtown Campuses and the Student Lounge at the Goochland Campus.

For more information, call (804) 523-5983, (804) 523-5082, or email studentlife@reynolds.edu.

The Writing Studio


Helping students cultivate confidence and awareness in their writing skills!

At The Writing Studio, we know that writing assignments often create stress and frustration for students. We’re here to help! We offer opportunities for collaboration and connection to support students and help them grow as writers. Students can attend a workshop or drop by studio hours to receive low key, flexible support at all stages of the writing assignment. They can also visit the Studio to write independently. No appointment necessary!

The Studio provides individual and group tutoring as well as Studio and in-class workshops. As an ecocomposition-focused writing center, the emphasis is awareness and place as it relates to the writing process. As such, there are private and public study areas with access to writing consultants and laptops for in-studio work. We want to provide a calm space for students to work on writing assignments. Visit our mindfulness rooms where students can take a moment to center themselves and relax in order to be able to clearly focus on the writing tasks in front of them or to just deal with the stress of being a college student.

The Writing Studio is staffed by teaching faculty from the college. We are happy to help with any writing-related task and at any point in the writing process. If students need help understanding a prompt, planning a paper, getting started or revising, we are dedicated to working with them to meet their goals, while helping students gain confidence as a writer, thinker, and critical reader.

Parham Road Campus, Burnette Hall, Room 102A
Downtown Campus, Room 301A
Virtually, through Zoom

Tutoring Services


Tutoring Services offers free academic support to students currently enrolled at Reynolds. Students can schedule tutoring appointments in a wide variety of subjects using Navigate in MyReynolds. In addition to assisting with course content, tutors model critical thinking and problem solving and help students develop skills such as managing time effectively, creating study plans, organizing course material, and reducing test anxiety. Our faculty and peer tutors are guided by the philosophy that an open exchange of ideas in a non-judgmental environment facilitates students’ discovery and long-term learning. Visit Tutoring Services in person or online for more information. 

Tutoring Services Locations and Contact Numbers:

Downtown Campus (804) 523-5687 Room 329
Parham Road Campus (804) 523-5006 Massey Library Technology Center,  Room B05 (Lower Level)
Goochland Campus (804) 523-5006

Math coaching takes place in Math Central+ and writing support in the Writing Studio.