Sep 12, 2024  
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Program Information

College Transfer Programs

Award - Associate of Science (AS)
Associate of Arts (AA)

Reynolds offers programs leading to the Associate of Arts (AA) degree or the Associate of Science (AS) degree. Commonly referred to as college transfer, these programs are designed for students who plan to complete the freshman and sophomore years of college work at Reynolds and then transfer to universities and four-year colleges of their choice. Each university has different requirements for baccalaureate programs. Reynolds advisors and specialists in the Career Services and Transfer Services Centers will assist students in the selection of the curriculum of study most applicable to their baccalaureate plans. Earned credits in the program are generally transferable to the senior college or university and applicable toward a bachelor’s degree. Students should work with their academic advisors and transfer specialists to select their courses to match the requirements of the transfer institution.

Reynolds has articulation agreements for specific academic programs with several Virginia universities and colleges. Such agreements guarantee that the student with the associate degree has complete transferability of all credits. A student transferring prior to the receipt of the associate of arts or associate of science degree is not assured of such status. Advisors and transfer specialists can provide information about articulation agreements.

Reynolds also offers two-year programs that lead to the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. These occupational/technical programs are specifically designed to prepare students for immediate employment. Some four-year colleges and universities have accepted courses into their program counterparts from AAS degree programs that are not designed for transfer purposes. It is the responsibility of the four-year institution to determine and publish its policies on the admission of transfer students and the criteria for determining the acceptability of transfer credits completed at another institution. Additional general education courses may be required to transfer with junior status from AAS degree programs. Students should work closely with their academic advisors and the transfer specialists to select courses that match requirements of the transfer institution.

State Policy on Transfer from Community Colleges to Senior Institutions

Virginia’s system of public colleges and universities has extended higher education throughout the Commonwealth from Eastern Shore to Big Stone Gap and from Fairfax to Southside. The system gives students ready access to college and enables them to choose from among many two- and four-year institutions. Ideally, students should be able to move through Virginia’s public education system as if it were a continuum, rather than a system of distinct levels or separate stages. The State Board for Community Colleges and the Council of Higher Education for Virginia have endorsed a coherent statewide policy to facilitate transfer between state-supported community colleges and senior colleges and universities. This policy requires commitment by both community colleges and senior institutions to common goals on behalf of students and education.

Transfer Agreements

Reynolds has agreements with many senior institutions covering the conditions for student transfer from Reynolds to a baccalaureate program at the four-year college or university. Many of the agreements guarantee admission. These formal arrangements are referred to as transfer agreements. The arrangements fall into two categories-the master transfer agreement, which provides general guarantees to transferring students, and the program-specific articulation agreement covering the conditions for the transfer into a particular curriculum. Students transferring prior to the receipt of the associate of arts or associate of science degree are not covered under these articulation agreements. Advisors and transfer specialists can provide information about these agreements.

Reynolds has current agreements, as a result of either direct negotiations between Reynolds and the transfer institution or the creation of a system-wide agreement between the Virginia Community College System and the transfer institution.

Students can plan and organize their transfer journey by utilizing the Transfer Virginia portal at Transfer Virginia is an initiative to provide transparency and access throughout the college transfer process.  The portal includes features such as estimating credits for work completed, a full resource center, information about Virginia’s colleges and universities, and how classes will transfer to partner institutions.  For the most current list of transfer agreements, visit

Passport and Uniform Certificate of General Studies (UCGS)

The Passport is a 16-credit hour college program in which all courses are transferable and will satisfy a lower-division general education requirement at any public institution of higher education in Virginia. The Passport will appear as a notation on your official Reynolds transcript, it is not a credential. The UCGS is a 30-credit hour program where all courses are transferable and satisfy a lower-division general education requirement at any public institution of higher education in Virginia. Upon completion of the UCGS, students are awarded a certificate. This certificate is not eligible for financial aid. Math requirements differ depending on whether students are pursuing degree programs requiring the study of calculus. Therefore, math offerings included in the Passport and UCGS are divided into two groupings depending on whether they support degree programs requiring calculus or quantitative/statistics pathways. Advisors and transfer specialists can provide information about math requirements for these programs.  See the Uniform Certificate of General Studies  .  For more information on the Passport .    

Occupational and Technical Programs

Award - Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

The occupational and technical education programs are designed to prepare students for employment as technicians, paraprofessionals, and skilled craftspersons.

The associate of applied science degree is awarded for completion of two-year programs.

The certificate is awarded for completion of a program less than two years in length, generally two or three semesters.

Career Studies Programs

Award - Certificate
Career studies certificates can be completed in a shorter period of time than other certificate programs. These programs provide opportunities for upgrading occupational or technical skills, retraining for a career change, and investigating new career possibilities.

Computer Competency Requirement for Students

Reynolds emphasizes the importance of computer competency for all students who are enrolled in a college program that requires a minimum of 30 credits for graduation. Programs with 30 or more credits provide for the computer competency of students in one of three ways: 

  1. including a computer competency course - ITE 152  or CSC 155  in the curriculum,
  2. requiring that students in the curriculum pass the Reynolds computer competency exam, or
  3. including a course or courses that meet or exceed the computer competency requirements as a part of the curriculum. Students should consult the catalog description of their program to determine the computer competency requirement.

Students in programs that require ITE 152  or CSC 155  can satisfy the computer competency course requirement in the curriculum by passing the Reynolds computer competency exam administered in the testing centers on each campus.  Those students who successfully pass the computer competency exam will receive college credit for ITE 152  or CSC 155 , without enrolling in the course, depending on the version of the exam taken.

Any student not passing the computer competency exam will do one of the following based on the results of the test:

  1. successfully complete ITE 152  or CSC 155  or
  2. learn the competencies the student is lacking through self-study or any other method that will enable the student to learn the competencies and then retake the computer competency exam. Students will be allowed to retake the computer competency exam only once. Upon retaking the computer competency exam, students who do not pass the exam must complete either ITE 152  or CSC 155 .

Academic Majors Directory A-Z

The following table shows the respective plan’s contact number for each campus location as appropriate. In the campus location columns, COMPLETE indicates that the plan’s certificate or degree can be completed at that campus. COURSES indicates that one or more courses for the plan are offered at that campus.

The ONLINE campus location indicates online courses. These are typically administered online, but some courses may require proctored exams, on-campus labs, clinicals, or other special on-campus meetings. For information on Online Learning, call the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning at (804) 523-5612 or (800) 711-1628.

Certificates or degrees shown with an asterisk ( * ) indicates transfer degree and certificate programs. 

BIT School of Business and Industrial Trades
HSS School of Humanities and Social Sciences
HP School of Health Professions
STEM School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

AAS Associate of Applied Science
AA Associate of Arts
AS Associate of Science
C Certificate
CSC Career Studies Certificate

School/Plan Code Plans Certificate or Degree Campus Location
BIT 203 Accounting AAS 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses   Courses
BIT 202 Accounting C 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses   Courses
Accounting CSC   523-5301 Complete    Courses 
Accounting Support Functions CSC 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses   Courses
BIT 400-01 Administration of Justice AAS Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
HP 221-152-07 Advanced Medical Coder (Health Information Management) CSC 523-5375 Courses Courses   Complete
American Sign Language CSC 523-5604 Courses Courses Courses Courses
HSS 640 American Sign Language - English Interpretation AAS 523-5604 Courses Courses Courses Complete
Architectural and Engineering Technology
STEM 895-01 Contemporary Technology for Design Specialization AAS Courses 523-5225
Courses Courses
STEM 895-02 Building Construction Management Specialization AAS Courses 523-5225
Courses Courses
BIT Automotive Technology AAS   523-5301
BIT 221-909-01 Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair CSC     523-5454 Complete   
BIT 902 Automotive Technology C Courses Courses 523-5454 Complete Courses
Bookkeeping CSC 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses   Courses
BIT 213 Business Administration* AS 523-5177 Complete 523-5301 Complete Courses Complete
HP 221-174-01 Central Sterile Technician CSC 523-5375 Courses Courses   Courses
Computer-Aided Design Specialist CSC Courses 523-5225
Courses Courses
BIT 221-400-45 Criminal Justice CSC 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Complete
Culinary Arts1  
BIT 242-01 Culinary Arts Specialization AAS 523-5781 Courses Courses Courses Courses
BIT 242-02 Pastry Arts Specialization AAS 523-5781 Courses Courses Courses Courses
BIT 242-03 Culinary Management Specialization AAS 523-5781 Courses Courses Courses Courses
BIT 221-242-09 Culinary - Food and Beverage Operations CSC 523-5070 Courses Courses Courses Courses
BIT 221-242-12 Culinary - Foundations of Culinary Technique CSC 523-5070 Courses Courses Courses
BIT 221-242-03 Culinary Fundamentals CSC 523-5781 Courses Courses Courses Courses
HP 120 Dental Assisting C 523-5380 Complete Courses Courses Courses
BIT 920 Diesel Mechanics Technology C Courses Courses 523-5454 Complete Courses
HSS 636 Early Childhood Development AAS 523-5339 Courses Courses Courses Complete
HSS 632 Early Childhood Development C 523-5339 Courses Courses Courses Complete
Early Childhood Education CSC 523-5339 Complete Courses Courses Complete
Early Childhood Education - Advanced CSC 523-5339 Courses Courses   Complete
BIT 221-251-01 eCommerce CSC Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
HP 146 Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic AAS   Courses Courses Courses
HP 221-146-01 Emergency Medical Services - Emergency Medical Technician CSC 523-5768 Complete Complete Courses Courses
STEM 831-04 Chemical/Biological Engineering Specialization* AS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
STEM 831-03 Electrical/Computer Engineering Specialization* AS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
STEM 831-01 Mechanical/General Engineering Specialization* AS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
BIT 221-212-10 Entrepreneurship in Small Business CSC 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Complete
Floral Design CSC Courses Courses 523-5432 Complete Courses
HSS 695 General Education* C 523-5263 Complete 523-5263 Complete Courses Complete
HSS 699 General Studies* AS 523-5504 Complete 523-5504 Complete Courses Complete
HSS 699-12 General Studies - Elementary Education* AS 523-5504 Complete 523-5504 Complete Courses Complete
HP 152 Health Information Management (Partnership with LFCC) AAS 523-5012 Courses Courses Courses Complete
HP 221-190-01 Health Science I CSC 523-5375 Courses Courses Courses Courses
STEM 335 Horticulture Technology2 AAS Courses Courses 523-5432 Courses Courses
HSS 480 Human Services AAS 523-5178 Complete Courses Courses Courses
BIT 221-909-46 Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Technology CSC Courses Courses 523-5454 Complete Courses
STEM 299 Information Systems Technology AAS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225
Courses Courses
Cloud Computing CSC 523-5374 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
Computer Programmer CSC 523-5374 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
Cyber Security CSC   523-5301 Complete   Complete
Web Development CSC 523-5374 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
Computer Applications CSC 523-5374 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Complete
Network Fundamentals CSC 523-5374 Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
HSS 648 Liberal Arts* AA 523-5178 Complete 523-5301 Complete Courses Complete
HSS 648-03 American Sign Language/Deaf Studies Specialization* AA 523-5604 Complete Courses Courses Complete
HSS 648-TP Teacher Preparation Specialization* AA 523-5178 Complete 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
BIT 212-03 Retail Management Specialization3 AAS 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses Courses Courses
BIT 212-04 Small Business Management Specialization4 AAS 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses Courses See footnote #4
HP 151 Medical Laboratory Technology5 AAS 523-5763 Complete Courses Courses See footnote #5
HP 221-152-06 Medical Records Coder (Health Information Management) CSC 523-5375 Courses Courses Courses Complete
HP 156 Nursing AAS 523-5476 Complete Courses Courses Courses
HP 160 Opticianry6 AAS 523-5415 Complete Courses Courses See footnote #6
HP 221-160-04 Opticians Apprentice6 CSC 523-5415 Complete     Complete See footnote #6
Paralegal Studies
BIT 260-01 General Practice Specialization AAS Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
BIT 260-02 Litigation Specialization AAS Courses 523-5301 Complete Courses Courses
BIT 221-203-06 Payroll and Taxation CSC 523-5177 Courses 523-5301 Courses   Courses
HP 221-190-08 Pharmacy Technician CSC 523-5183 Complete     Courses
HP 157 Practical Nursing C 523-5476 Complete Courses Courses Courses
HP 221-152-02 Release of Health Information Specialist (Health Information Management) CSC 523-5375 Courses Courses Courses Complete
HP 181 Respiratory Therapy5 AAS 523-5009 Complete Courses Courses See footnote #5
STEM 880 Science          
STEM 880-02 Computer Science Specialization* AS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
STEM 880-TP Mathematics and Science Teacher Preparation Specialization* AS 523-5374 Complete 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
STEM 880-05 Mathematics Specialization* AS 523-5374 Courses 523-5225 Complete Courses Courses
STEM 880-01 Science Specialization* AS 523-5374 Complete 523-5225 Complete Courses Complete
HSS 882 Social Sciences* AS 523-5178 Complete 523-5263 Complete Courses Complete
HSS 882-02 Pre-Social Work Specialization* AS 523-5178 Courses 523-5263 Complete Courses Courses
HSS 882-TP Teacher Preparation Specialization* AS 523-5178 Complete 523-5263 Complete Courses Courses
Substance Abuse Counseling Education7 CSC 523-5178 Courses Courses Courses Courses
Sustainable Agriculture CSC Courses Courses 523-5432 Complete Courses
BIT 221-995-01 Welding CSC Courses Courses 523-5432 Complete Courses
BIT 221-995-02 Welding - Advanced Welding CSC Courses Courses 523-5941 Courses Courses

The following footnote references are used in the table.

1All courses in the Culinary Arts AAS degree may be completed at The Kitchens except HRI 119 , which is offered only via online learning.

2All courses in this program may be completed at the Goochland Campus except for the social/behavioral science and humanities/fine arts electives, which may be completed at the Downtown Campus, Parham Road Campus, or online.

3All courses in the Management AAS, Retail Specialization, may be completed at the Parham Road Campus with the exception of MKT 220  and MKT 271 , which are offered only online.

4All courses in the Management AAS, Small Business Specialization, may be completed at the Parham Road Campus with the exception of BUS 260 , which is offered only online. All courses in this program may be completed online with the exception of a coordinated internship course.

5All courses in this program are offered via online learning with the exception of labs and clinicals, which must be completed at an approved site.

6All courses in this program are offered via online learning. Apprentice students are also required to complete 2,000 hours of on-the-job training per year, for a total of 4,000 hours.

7Completion of the Substance Abuse Counseling Education Career Studies Certificate requires that some courses be taken via online learning.