Mar 31, 2025  
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2024-2025 
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2024-2025 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Curriculum Information

General Information Pertaining to Curricular Offerings

In the following section, descriptions of all associate degree and certificate curriculums offered by the college are presented. Each curriculum description (1) provides a statement of purpose or intent of the curricular program, (2) states the occupational or transfer objectives for the program, (3) specifies curriculum admission requirements for entry into the program, (4) states the required courses and minimum number of credit hours for completion, and (5) provides an outline for sequencing the courses of study. Each curriculum is structured in accordance with policies established by the State Board for Community Colleges in Virginia. Additionally, the curriculums for all associate degree programs meet criteria set forth by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Curriculums for which the associate of applied science degree and certificate are awarded are all structured to ensure that graduates of these programs have a significant general education foundation, in addition to the necessary skill development training. For the AAS degree, general education comprises approximately 25 percent of the total credit hours; for certificate programs (not career studies certificates), this figure is a minimum of 15 percent.

The associate of arts and associate of science degree programs are designed for transfer to baccalaureate programs offered at four-year colleges and universities. To avoid transfer problems, students should carefully select courses to fulfill elective requirements with the assistance of their advisors and upon an investigation of the transfer requirements of the institution to which transfer is considered. Not all curriculums of study are available on all campuses due to the specialized nature of the human and physical resources required to offer the instructional program. General education courses in the curriculums, however, may be taken at any of the three campus locations at which they are offered.

The following table presents the requirements for associate degrees at Reynolds:

Minimum Requirements for Associate Degrees in the VCCS

Minimum Number Of Semester Hour Credits
General Education AA AS AAS
Communication 6a 6a 3-6
Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature 6c 6c 3-6
Social/Behavioral Sciences 6d 6d 3-6
Natural Sciences 4 4-8 0-6e
Mathematics 3 3-6 0-6e
Institutional Specific General Education Courses 5-6 5-6 0
Total for General Education 30-31 30-38 15g
As specified above, degree programs must contain a minimum of 15 semester hours of general education as defined by SACSCOC.
Other Requirements for Associate Degrees AA AS AAS
Student Development 1-2 1-2 1-2
Transfer Coref (columns 1-3)
Career Technical courses (column 4)
27-32 20-32 45-53
Total for Degree 60-63 60-63h 60-69h

a Each of the courses in communication must be in written communication. 
b One course in humanities/fine arts for the Fine Arts major must be a literature course.
c Each of the two courses cannot be from the same discipline area (e.g. humanities).
d One course in social/behavioral sciences must be a history course and the second required course cannot be history.
e A total of 3-6 semester hours is required in either natural sciences and/or mathematics for the AAA and AAS.
f Transfer core includes additional general education and/or major courses. 
g As specified above, degree programs must contain a minimum of 15 semester hours of general education as defined by SACSCOC.
h See Policy for exceptions to the total credits allowed.

General Education Definition

Associate degree programs provide a coherent, shared experience for students to develop the general education core competencies expected of them as college-educated individuals. General education, as an integrated and cohesive whole, provides the educational foundation necessary to promote intellectual and personal development.

Upon completion of the associate degree, graduates of Virginia’s Community Colleges will demonstrate competency in student learning outcomes (SLOs) determined and assessed by each college in:

  • civic engagement
  • critical thinking
  • professional readiness
  • quantitative literacy
  • scientific literacy
  • written communication

Collectively, these general education core competencies distinguish graduates of Virginia’s Community Colleges as individuals with a breadth of knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to pursue further education and their careers, continue to develop as learners, and contribute to the well-being of their communities. The six competencies are defined in policy with aspirational statements of learning goals for graduates. Each community college will determine and assess specific learning outcomes based on the definitions and aspirational statements.

General Education Goals and Objectives/Outcomes

Reynolds Community College degree graduates will demonstrate competency in the following general education areas:

Civic Engagement is the ability to contribute to the civic life and well-being of local, national, and global communities as both a social responsibility and a life-long learning process. Degree graduates will demonstrate the knowledge and civic values necessary to become informed and contributing participants in a democratic society.

Critical Thinking is the ability to use information, ideas and arguments from relevant perspectives to make sense of complex issues and solve problems. Degree graduates will locate, evaluate, interpret, and combine information to reach well-reasoned conclusions or solutions.

Professional Readiness is the ability to work well with others and display situationally and culturally appropriate demeanor and behavior. Degree graduates will demonstrate skills important for successful transition into the workplace and pursuit of further education.

Quantitative Literacy is the ability to perform accurate calculations, interpret quantitative information, apply and analyze relevant numerical data, and use results to support conclusions. Degree graduates will calculate, interpret, and use numerical and quantitative information in a variety of settings.

Scientific Literacy is the ability to apply the scientific method and related concepts and principles to make informed decisions and engage with issues related to the natural, physical, and social world. Degree graduates will recognize and know how to use the scientific method, and to evaluate empirical information.

Written Communication is the ability to develop, convey, and exchange ideas in writing, as appropriate to a given context and audience. Degree graduates will express themselves effectively in a variety of written forms.

Approved Transfer Electives

The following list of Approved Transfer Electives is limited to courses offered by Reynold Community College (Reynolds).  These Approved Transfer Electives fall in the following areas: humanities/fine arts/literature, mathematics, laboratory sciences, social and behavioral sciences/history, and world languages. Prior to enrolling in these courses, students should consult their program advisor, as well as check the course descriptions to ensure that they meet any pre- or co-requisites. To avoid transfer problems, students should review the pathways or major maps of the four-year university to which they plan to transfer.  

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS

Humanities/Fine Arts/Literature

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS


1 Students will not receive credit for both ART 100  and ART 101 .

2 These courses have been designated writing-intensive (offer-enhanced instruction in writing) by the English faculty.

Laboratory Sciences

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS


1 Students will not receive credit for both BIO 101  and BIO 106 .

2 STEM transfer degree students may use these courses only as laboratory science electives beyond the two laboratory science electives that must be year-long courses, e.g. BIO 101 -BIO 102  and PHY 201 -PHY 202 .  

3 BIO 141 -BIO 142  generally do not transfer for the Liberal Arts AA and Social Sciences AS degree programs.  Please check the pathways or major maps of the four-year institution to which you plan to transfer.  



Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS       


1 Students will not receive credit for both MTH 161  and MTH 167 .

Social and Behavioral Sciences/History

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS


1 HIS 101, HIS 102, HIS 111, HIS 112, HIS 121, HIS 122, HIS 141, HIS 142 do not need to be taken in any particular order. Students do not need the first course in the sequence to take the second course.

2 These courses do satisfy the U.S. History requirement for both UCGS and Reynolds programs.

3 These courses do satisfy the U.S. History requirement for Reynolds programs only.

World Languages

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS

Additional UCGS Block VII Electives

Key for type of elective: U = UCGS        P = Both Passport and UCGS        O = neither Passport nor UCGS