Feb 09, 2025  
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2024-2025 
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2024-2025

Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) to Registered Nursing (RN) - Advanced Placement Option (APO) (156-02)

Update as of May 29, 2024: The LPN-RN Fall 2024 application deadline has been extended to June 21, 2024.

Reynolds uses the HESI Admission Test for all nursing admission testing. Students interested in the LPN-AAS Advanced Placement Option are required to take an additional HESI Mid-Curricular Test.  For complete details, see Registered Nursing HESI Admission Test Information and HESI Mid-Curricular Test Information.  Follow the instructions at Reynolds Registered Nursing Program to apply and see the most current updates. 

PURPOSE: The advanced placement option (APO) for licensed practical nurses (LPN’s) is designed to prepare students with a current, unrestricted LPN license in the Commonwealth of Virginia to master entry level registered nurse knowledge while recognizing their education and skill level as a current LPN. Upon satisfactory completion of the program outcomes, the graduate will be eligible to make application to take the NCLEX-RN licensure exam to become a Registered Nurse. 

OCCUPATIONAL OBJECTIVES: To secure and sustain employment as a professional nurse providing nursing care to individuals, families, communities, and/or populations in a variety of health care settings. 

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS: General college curricular admission and program-specific criteria. 

PROGRAM NOTES: The Virginia State Board of Nursing has the authority to deny licensure to any applicant who has violated any of the provisions of 54.1-3007 of the Code of Virginia. Any student convicted of illegal offenses other than minor traffic violations should discuss these matters with the coordinator of the Nursing AAS program prior to admission for clarification. A background check is required for NCLEX-RN application. 

A criminal background check and drug screen are required prior to admission to the Nursing AAS program. Random drug screens and repeat background checks may be required for current or returning students at any time. A student with an unsatisfactory background check and/or drug screening will be dismissed from the Nursing AAS program. 

A student who has an absence greater than 12 months within the Nursing AAS program must meet current admission and curriculum requirements. A student seeking to resume enrollment must meet with the coordinator of the Nursing AAS program prior to re-enrollment. 

A student accepted to the Nursing AAS program must sign an Assumption of Risk document that serves to provide a general outline of hazards encountered within nursing. This list includes, but is not limited to, exposure to infectious, biological, chemical, environmental/mechanical, and psychosocial hazards, as well as loss of personal property. 

Student Outcomes for the AAS in Nursing: 

A student who completes the AAS in Nursing will be expected to: 

  1. Provide client-centered care promoting therapeutic relationships, caring behaviors and self-determination across the lifespan for diverse populations. 
  2. Practice safe nursing care that minimizes the risk of harm across systems and client populations.  
  3. Integrate clinical judgment when collaborating with the healthcare team in the management of care for complex clients. 
  4. Practice professional behaviors that encompass the legal/ethical framework while incorporating self-reflection, leadership and a commitment to recognize the value of life-long learning. 
  5. Manage client care through quality improvement processes, information technology and fiscal responsibility to meet client needs and support organizational outcomes.  
  6. Demonstrate principles of collaborative practice within the nursing and healthcare teams fostering mutual respect and shared decision-making to achieve stated outcomes of care. 
  7. Manage the appropriateness, accuracy and client response to pharmacology principles for clients with complex conditions.  

Program-specific requirements are the following: 

  1. Selection of Health Science I CSC (plan code 221-190-01) on the Reynolds Community College general admission application. (NOTE: VCCS student email accounts are the only accepted email account for all correspondence). 
  2. All prerequisite courses for the AAS Nursing Program (MTH 133, BIO 141,  BIO 142 ENG 111, SDV 101, and PSY 230) must be completed prior to the program application deadline.  
  3. BIO 141, BIO 142, BIO 150 or any BIO equivalent transfer courses for credit must be taken within ten (10) years of admission into the first semester of the program. 
  4. Submission of official college transcripts to the Admissions office for consideration of transfer credit for courses is required by the Nursing AAS program. All decisions for transfer credit are determined by the Registrar’s Office. The applicant is solely responsible for confirming transfer credits are posted by the Registrar. 
  5. Successful completion of the two program admission tests (HESI admission test and the HESI Mid-Curricular Test). 
  6. Students must obtain a score of 75% in each of the four categories and submit test scores with their application.  The HESI admission test may only be taken twice within a two (2) year period. Applications are ranked based on HESI admission test scores. Anatomy and Physiology, reading comprehension, and math scores are each weighted 30%; the grammar score is weighted 10%. 
  7. The HESI mid-curricular test may only be taken once. Students must score a minimum of 800 on the HESI mid-curricular test on the first attempt. Students who do not achieve the required score of 800 on the HESI mid-curricular test on the first attempt will not be eligible to apply to the LPN-AAS program. They may apply to the traditional AAS Nursing program if all other admission requirements are met. 
  8. Cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. 
  9. Curricular GPA of 2.5 or higher in the eighteen (18) credits of general education prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or above (MTH 133, BIO 141, BIO 142,  ENG 111, SDV 101, and PSY 230). 
  10. Unencumbered/unrestricted license as a Practical Nurse in the state of Virginia. This status must be maintained throughout the student’s enrollment in the program. Students who have probationary status, a suspended or revoked LPN license are not eligible to enter the nursing program. 
  11. A selected applicant must accept or deny admission electronically, via their Reynolds student email account, as directed, via the Accepted Student Response Form by the identified date or forfeit their seat. To apply to the Reynolds Registered Nursing AAS Program, please follow these instructions. 

FUNCTIONAL SKILLS REQUIREMENTS: Students entering the Nursing program must possess the following functional skills: 

  • Sufficient eyesight to observe patients, read records, manipulate equipment, and visually monitor patients in dim light; 
  • Sufficient hearing to communicate with patients and members of a health care delivery team, monitor patients using electronic equipment, hear necessary sounds during operation of equipment, and hear a patient whispering; 
  • Satisfactory speaking, reading, and writing skills to communicate effectively in English in a timely manner; 
  • Sufficient bilateral finger dexterity to manipulate equipment; 
  • Ability to lift, stoop, or bend in the delivery of safe nursing care; 
  • Satisfactory physical strength and endurance to stand for extended periods, push equipment, and move immobile patients; and 
  • Satisfactory intellectual and emotional functioning to ensure patient safety and to exercise independent judgment and discretion in performing assigned care. 

Application Deadlines for Full-time Day Program: 

Fall Semester start: 3rd Monday in May 
Spring Semester start: 3rd Monday in May


Course credit


Didactic contact

Clinical lab

Lab contact

Clinical contact

Simulation contacts

Prerequisites for Application to the AAS Nursing Program 

BIO 141 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I  



BIO 142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II  



ENG 111 - College Composition I  


PSY 230 - Developmental Psychology  


SDV 101 - Orientation to Health Science  


MTH 133 - Mathematics for Health Professionals  


 Semester TOTAL 





Required for application to the Nursing program:  

  • Curricular GPA of 2.5 or higher in the eighteen (18) credits of prerequisite courses 

  • A grade of “C” or above must be achieved in all eighteen (18) credits of prerequisite courses 

LPNs licensed to practice in the Commonwealth of Virginia admitted to the Reynolds Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Nursing Advanced Placement Option for LPNs who successfully complete NSG 115: Healthcare Concepts for Transition (5 credits) with a grade of “C” or better, will receive 11 credits and 125 clinical hours for prior experience, as well as 5 required credits through substitution. NSG 115 is designed to transition the LPN to the AAS Nursing program and bridge into the second year of the program. 

Industry Certification:

Current Virginia Board of Nursing: Licensed Practical Nurse

Reynolds Course Equivalent

Reynolds Course Name


Credit for prior experience:

NSG 106

Competencies for Nursing Practice


NSG 152

Health Care Participant


NSG 170

Health/Illness Concepts


Substitute NSG 115 for the following:

NSG 100

Introduction to Nursing Concepts


NSG 130

Professional Nursing Concepts



Semester 1     LPN-AAS Nursing Program 

NSG 200 - Health Promotion and Assessment  



6 (health screening) 

NSG 115 - Healthcare Concepts for Transition   




0 (TBD) 

BIO 150 - Microbiology for Health Sciences  



Semester Total 





Semester 2 

ENG 112 - College Composition II  


NSG 210 - Health Care Concepts I  




NSG 211 - Health Care Concepts II  




Semester Total 





Semester 3 

NSG 230 - Advanced Professional Nursing Concepts  


NSG 252 - Complex Health Care Concepts  


NSG 270 - Nursing Capstone  



PHI 220 - Ethics 



Semester Total 





Curriculum Total 








Credit for Prior Learning






125 (Awarded PN Program) 


AAS Total 








EXPECTATIONS: The student is required to complete a sequence of courses and learning experiences provided at the college and selected community agencies, such as acute care (hospitals) or long-term care facilities, clinics, or comparable agencies and facilities. During these experiences, the nursing faculty will observe, monitor, and evaluate the student’s ability to achieve program outcomes through direct patient care. 

CLINICAL CONTRACTS: Individual contracts are in effect with each affiliate clinical agency, and these contracts differ in requirements for students. In general, contracts include the following: 

  1. Clinical agencies reserve the right to dismiss a student from their agency at any time. Students must wear the proper uniform, conforming to program and health care agency standards. 
  2. Students must follow published hospital policies. 
  3. Students must meet health, immunity, and immunization requirements specified by the affiliated clinical facility. Failure to comply with these requirements will prevent the student from meeting specific course learning outcomes required for program progression.  
  4. Student releases the facility, its agents, and its employees from any liability for any injury or death to self or damage to personal property arising out of the clinical agreement or use of the facility. (Assessment of Risk document is signed and on file, once the student is accepted into the program.) 
  5. Student is financially responsible for any medical care required while in the clinical setting. 
  6. Student must have a current American Heart Association BLS for Health Care Provider Certification. 
  7. Demonstration of professional behavior is expected at all clinical learning experiences. Faculty will direct a student to leave the learning environment if unacceptable behaviors are observed. 
  8. The health care agency may deny a student participation in a clinical learning experience based on the results of the background check and drug screen.  
  9. Student must attend the health care agency’s orientation as scheduled to remain enrolled in a clinical nursing course. 
  10. In order to maintain enrollment in a clinical course, students must submit required clinical documentation during each required clinical rotation. Failure to comply with these clinical documentation requirements will prevent a student from meeting specific course learning outcomes required for program progression.  

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS: In addition to the regular college tuition and fees, the nursing program requires the following (these costs are approximate and subject to change): 


Semester 1*

Semester 2*

Semester 3*

Uniform- includes patch




Skills Tote Bag




Elsevier Electronic Textbook Bundle




Nurse Think for Students: Conceptual Clinical Cases




Shadow health








Exam Soft -paid by student directly to Exam Soft and does not go through the bookstore





$40 annually


$40 annually

NCLEX-RN Fee (Pearson VUE proctoring) *must register while still enrolled




Virginia Board of Nursing RN Licensure application fee

*Must register while still enrolled




Background check and fingerprinting for licensure application




U World NCLEX-RN 3 month subscription








Grand total: $3,245.90 (not including Castlebranch and background check, computer, transportation costs, optional print books and health costs such as immunizations)


*All costs are subject to change based on vendor pricing

PROGRESSION THROUGH THE PROGRAM: Reynolds relies on affiliation agreements with community agencies to provide clinical education opportunities for nursing students. The rapid changes in health care law, standards of practice, technology, content of credentialing examinations, and availability of qualified faculty increasingly necessitate sudden changes in the program’s course content, policies, procedures, and course scheduling. As a result, the college cannot guarantee every student continuous and uninterrupted clinical and course instruction as outlined in the printed catalog curriculum for this program. Circumstances beyond the control of the college may necessitate the postponement of course offerings or changes in the sequencing and/or location of scheduled courses or clinical assignments. Additionally, the college may have to change the instructor for courses after instruction has started. 


  • A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0. 
  • A student must achieve a course grade of “C” (80%) or better in ALL courses within the AAS curriculum. 
  • A student who does not meet the clinical learning outcomes will receive an unsuccessful course grade. 
  • A student who is unsuccessful in any two nursing courses or is not successful after two (2) attempts in the same nursing course (withdrawal or unsuccessful course grade of D or F), may not continue in the Nursing AAS program.  
  • A student may enroll only in the courses listed in his/her qualified semester. 
  • An LPN student will be afforded one opportunity to complete NSG 115 LPN Transition. If unsuccessful, the student may request admission to the first semester of the Concept Based Curriculum. 
  • An LPN student must enter the third level nursing classes within three months of successful completion of NSG 115. 
  • A student deemed ineligible to return to a clinical site will not be eligible for re-admission into the Nursing AAS program. 

PROGRESSION STATUS: Reynolds has entered into an implied contract with all students accepted into the AAS Nursing program via the Reynolds catalog. The catalog indicates that once accepted into the Nursing program a student can complete the program within two years, assuming the student attends four consecutive semesters. (Summer is a session, not a semester.) Continuation in the program is conditional upon those factors identified in the “Progression through the Program” statement. 

  • Progression 1 students are those who have never failed, dropped, withdrawn, or taken a leave of absence for any reason. Progression 1 students may register for any available space in a course for which they are eligible during the assigned registration period. 
  • Progression 2 students have stopped program progress due to leave of absence, course withdrawal or failure. Re-enrollment into the program is based upon available seats. Students in Progression 2 status will be enrolled based on a random lottery drawing for available seats and will not participate in the online registration process. Progression 2 students will return to Progression 1 status after successful completion of the course from which they withdrew or failed. 

NCLEX-RN First Attempt Pass Rates for Reynolds Nursing Graduates 


NCLEX Pass Rate 








Pursuant to United States Department of Education (US DOE) regulation 34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v), the Reynolds Community College Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) program provides the following information for all prospective and current students: 

The Reynolds Community College ADN program has conditional approval with terms and conditions by the Virginia Board of Nursing. Terms and conditions of Reynolds conditional approval are given in the order, Report and Recommendation of the Education Special Conference Committee .  

The Commonwealth of Virginia participates with 32 other states in the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) National Licensing Compact (NLC) to allow nurses licensed in one state to provide nursing care across state lines in other compact states. The Uniform Licensure Requirements (ULRs) are found at https://www.ncsbn.org/NLC_ULRs.pdf 

States currently in the NLC are found at: https://www.ncsbn.org/nlcmemberstates.pdf. Prospective and current students are strongly encouraged to evaluate all state requirements in jurisdictions where they intend to practice nursing. A list of all state requirements is found at: https://www.ncsbn.org/14730.htm

The Virginia State Board of Nursing may be contacted at 
9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, 
Henrico, VA 23233-1463, 
(804) 367-4515 

The Associate Degree Nursing program at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College at the Downtown Campus located in Richmond, Virginia is accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN).  

3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400  
Atlanta, GA 30326 
(404) 975-5000 

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the Associate Degree Nursing program is continuing accreditation.  

Reynolds Community College has not determined if the Nursing AAS program meets the requirements of any other states.


This Program Map is for students who plan to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) to Registered Nursing (RN) degree at Reynolds Community College.  The Program Map is intended to serve as a guide, and students should always meet with their Student Success Advisor to develop a personalized Educational Plan. 

Are you interested in learning more about the careers this program will prepare you for?  If so, check out Career Coach.  Career Coach provides information about job openings, wages, education requirements, and required skills. It will also help you find careers that match your interests.  To learn more about careers that this program will prepare you for, please visit Career Coach and Career Services.

Additional information regarding transfer requirements for in-state colleges is available at www.transfervirginia.org.

Courses should be taken in the order listed.

Total: 67 Credit Hours

1SDV 100 - College Success Skills  may be substituted for SDV 101 - Orientation to Health Science .

2All prerequisite courses for the LPN to RN - Advanced Placement Option program (MTH 133 - Mathematics for Health Professionals , BIO 141 - Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 142 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II , ENG 111 - College Composition I , PSY 230 - Developmental Psychology , SDV 101 - Orientation to Health Science ) must be completed prior to submitting the application to the Nursing AAS program.

3BIO 150 - Microbiology for Health Sciences  must be retaken if attempt is greater than 7 years ago.