Jan 15, 2025  
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 
Reynolds Community College Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Classroom & Instructional Policies & Procedures

Grading - Developmental Studies

A grade of “S” (Satisfactory) shall be assigned for satisfactory completion of each course in developmental studies or English as a Second Language (ESL) courses numbered 1 - 99. “S” grades are not included in grade point average calculations.

Students making satisfactory progress but not completing all of the instructional objectives for courses in developmental studies or ESL courses shall be graded with an “R” (Re-enroll). A student who has earned an “R” must enroll again and successfully complete the course.

Students not making satisfactory progress in developmental studies or ESL courses shall be given a “U” grade. Students on financial aid should check each semester on their grade requirements for making satisfactory progress.

The “I” and “W” grades may be utilized, as appropriate, for developmental studies and ESL courses.

Grade Point Average

The term and cumulative grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total number of grade points earned in courses by the total number of credits attempted. Courses which do not generate grade points are not included in credits attempted (audits, developmental courses, ESL courses, courses taken with pass/unsatisfactory option). The GPA is carried out to three digits past the decimal point (i.e. there is no rounding). See Repeated Grade and Academic Renewal sections.

Repeated Grade

When students repeat a course taken Fall 1996 or later that was repeated Summer 1988 to Spring 2021, only the most recent attempt is used to calculate the cumulative GPA.  Courses completed and repeated during the initial period of the repeat policy (Summer 1994-Summer 1996) for which GPA adjustments have already been made, were not affected.  For courses taken and repeated Summer 2021 or later, only the highest grade is used to calculate the cumulative GPA.  Additionally, adjustments made as part of “academic renewal” are not affected.  The highest grade of the attempt is used in determining if graduation requirements are met.  

Certain courses are exempt from consideration as repeats and-an adjustment to the GPA is not made, including but not limited to courses with course numbers 090, 190, 290, 095, 195, 295, 096, 196, 296, 097, 197, 297, 098, 198, 298, 099, 199, and 299.

Periodically the VCCS will rename or renumber courses but they remain equivalent to the previous named and numbered courses. In such cases, completion of a renumbered/renamed course maybe determined to be a repeat of a course completed previously under a different department and/or course number. These determinations are made on a college-wide basis, and exceptions cannot be made for an individual student.

Implementation of this policy does not revise any GPA calculations for prior terms or any academic, financial, or administrative events that have occurred in the past. Any questions should be directed to the Registrar.

*See Repeating a Course  

Final Grades

Final grades for each semester can be viewed and printed using MyREYNOLDS. Students must have their Reynolds username and password to obtain their grades. The grades of A, B, C, D, P, and S are passing grades. Grades of F and U are failing grades. R and I are interim grades. Grades of W and X are final grades carrying no credit.

Academic Renewal

Students who re-enroll at Reynolds after a separation of at least 60 consecutive months may submit the “Petition for Academic Renewal” form to the Office of the Registrar at registrar@reynolds.edu. If the student is found eligible, an Academic Renewal notation will be placed on the student’s permanent record and transcript. All “D” and “F” grades earned prior to the re-enrollment will appear on the record, but they will be deleted from the cumulative grade point average, subject to the following conditions:

Prior to petitioning, the student must earn at least a 2.500 grade point average (using grades of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” and “F”) in the first twelve hours after re-enrollment.

Any course credit with a grade of “D” earned prior to the re-enrollment will not count toward graduation requirements. Previous diplomas, certificates, or degrees will not be rescinded in order to qualify the student.

Academic Renewal adjustment will be granted only once and cannot be revoked. The granting of Academic Renewal does not affect any previous academic, financial, or administrative decisions made by Reynolds.

Academic Standing

President’s Honor Roll

The President’s Honor Roll is awarded to curricular and non-curricular students who demonstrate the highest level of academic achievement at Reynolds. In order to receive this recognition, students must have:

  • Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.800 or higher
  • Earned a semester GPA of 3.500 or higher
  • Carried at least 6 non-developmental credit hours for the semester
  • Earned 20 or more credit hours at Reynolds
  • Earned no grades of D, F, I, or U for the semester
  • Earned no more than one W for the semester

Students who earn this distinction will receive an email notification and instructions on how to access the certificate during the first month of the subsequent semester.

Dean’s List

The Dean’s List is awarded to curricular and non-curricular students who demonstrate a high level of academic achievement at Reynolds. In order to receive this recognition, students must have:

  • Earned a semester GPA of 3.200 or higher
  • Carried at least 6 non developmental credit hours for the semester
  • Earned no grades of D, F, I or U for the semester
  • Earned no more than one W for the semester

Students who earn this distinction will receive an email notification and instructions on how to access the certificate during the first month of the subsequent semester.

Good Standing

Students are considered to be “in good academic standing” if they maintain a minimum GPA of 2.000 each semester and are not on academic suspension or dismissal. They are eligible to reenroll at Reynolds.

Academic Warning

Students who fail to attain a minimum GPA of 2.000 for any semester shall be placed on academic warning.

Academic Probation

Students who fail to maintain a cumulative GPA of 1.500 will be on academic probation until such time as their cumulative average is 1.750 or better. The statement “Academic Probation” will be placed on the permanent record. Students on academic probation are ineligible for appointed or elected office in student organizations unless the Dean of Students or another appropriate administrator grants them special permission. Students usually will be required to carry less than a normal course load the following semester. Students on academic probation are required to consult with their academic advisor prior to enrollment. Students shall be placed on probation only after they have attempted 12 semester credits.

Academic Suspension

Students on academic probation who fail to attain a semester GPA of 1.500 will be placed on suspension only after they have attempted 24 semester credit. Academic suspension shall be for one semester. The statement “Academic Suspension” will be placed on the student’s permanent record. Students who are placed on academic suspension and wish to appeal should submit an appeal form to Advising Services or the Office of the Registrar. Suspended students may be readmitted after termination of the suspension period without appealing for reinstatement. Upon reinstatement the student will be required to meet with an academic advisor and develop an educational plan. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension must achieve a 2.00 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement and must earn at least a 1.750 GPA in each subsequent semester of attendance. The statement “Subject to Dismissal” shall be placed on the students’ permanent record. Students who have been reinstated from academic suspension will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of1.750.

Academic Dismissal

Students who do not attain at least a 2.000 GPA for the semester of reinstatement following academic suspension will be academically dismissed. Students who achieve at least a 2.000 GPA for the semester of their reinstatement following academic suspension must earn at least a cumulative 1.750 GPA in each subsequent semester of enrollment. Failure to earn a 1.750 GPA in each subsequent semester until the cumulative GPA reaches 1.750 will result in academic dismissal. The statement “Academic Dismissal” will be placed on the student’s permanent record. Academic dismissal is normally permanent. In exceptional circumstances, students submit an appeal form to Advising Services or to the Office of the Registrar. (see Reinstatement from Suspension or Dismissal). Students who have been reinstated after academic dismissal will remain subject to dismissal until their cumulative GPA is raised to a minimum of 1.750.

Reinstatement from Suspension or Dismissal

To be considered for immediate reinstatement, a suspended student must submit a Reinstatement Form or written appeal along with any documentation that helps support the request for reinstatement prior to the late registration period for the semester they wish to attend.

Consideration for reinstatement must be submitted using the Reinstatement Form along with supporting documentation by the deadlines published on Reynolds’ website.

The Reinstatement Form or written appeal is forwarded to the Academic Standing Committee for consideration. Reynolds will ensure consideration of all appeals for reinstatement received by the deadline, including a review of the student’s academic history at Reynolds and documentation of mitigating circumstances. Once the appeal is received, students will be contacted regarding the appeal meeting. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the appeal meeting with the Academic Standing Committee.

Decisions to reinstate may be accompanied by conditions designed to ensure the student’s improved performance. Decisions to deny reinstatement will result in the continued enforcement of suspension or dismissal terms. Students who are not granted reinstatement will be dropped from any courses for which they may have pre-registered, and their tuition will be refunded automatically.

Advanced Standing and Transfer Credit from Other Colleges

Advanced standing is defined as the application of awarded credit, earned by means other than instruction at this institution, toward satisfying program requirements. No more than 75percent of a degree or certificate may be earned through advanced standing credit. Transcripts are evaluated for curricular students only. Courses from a student’s official transcript that are equivalent and relevant to the curriculum in which he or she is enrolled will be applied towards credit in his or her program. Awarded credit is added to the student’s permanent record, but is not used for computation of the grade point average and does not carry a letter grade.

The Office of the Registrar evaluates requested advanced standing and places advanced standing, by type, on the permanent record and transcript. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all relevant and official documents have been forwarded to the Office of the Registrar. Transcripts are considered official if they are in a sealed envelope and carry the seal of the institution, are printed on official college letterhead, or delivered through a transcripting service.

Credit evaluation for courses taken at other VCCS colleges can be requested by completing the appropriate form; official transcripts from other VCCS colleges are not necessary.

Transfer credit awarded is available to view on the Student Information System. Official transcripts received four weeks prior to the beginning of the desired semester or term will be placed on the Student Information System prior to the final registration period. Transcripts received after that point will be evaluated as time permits and in date priority. Students should address questions regarding advanced standing with the Office of the Registrar.

Credit will be awarded only for courses earning a grade of “C” or better or the equivalent. When the course contains equivalent content and credit, the course may transfer to satisfy a program requirement at this institution. This college evaluates credit for transfer from other colleges and universities, using the guidance of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers or the National Association for Foreign Student Affairs, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.

Transfer Credit from International Institutions

Credit from international post-secondary institutions may be awarded upon evaluation by a private evaluation agency that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (naces.org). This process pertains to both international students seeking Reynolds transfer credit and Reynolds students earning credits at foreign institutions during study-abroad experiences. The student will send official transcripts to an approved agency to obtain a course-by-course evaluation. All fees must be paid by the students directly to the evaluation agency. This evaluation is provided to the Office of the Registrar so that credit can be assigned based on the student’s chosen curriculum in accordance with established college policies.

Credit by Assessment by Local Exam (ABLE)

Credit by ABLE is available at the discretion of the academic program and is not available for all courses taught at Reynolds. Academic deans and program heads have the discretion to deny requests for credit by ABLE. In programs where CLEP/AP/IB credit are not available as a means to test to receive academic credit, credit by ABLE may be a means of earning college credit for prior learning by demonstrating satisfactory academic competency in a particular subject.

Students interested in pursuing credit by ABLE should contact the appropriate academic program head of the curriculum. Credit by Able scores do not transfer to other institutions, they are only applicable to coursework taken at Reynolds.

Prior Learning Activity for Credit Evaluation

This process is designed for adults who have gained college-level learning through work, volunteer activities, participation in civic and community assignments and similar life experiences. The process allows for students to develop portfolios, based on their experiences, to demonstrate learning equivalency to one or more college courses. Credit can only be applied if it is accepted by the faculty and after the student has successfully completed at least one course at Reynolds. Portfolio-based credit for prior experiential learning may be awarded for no more than25 percent of the credit hours applied toward a degree. The determination of such credit must be determined by the program head and approved by the school dean.

Military Credit

Credit will be granted for military service school courses and skills if the awarding of credit is recommended in the current edition of the American Council on Education publication, a Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, and approved by the division dean of the student’s chosen curriculum.

Credit for Occupational Experience

Credit for occupational experience may be granted for courses or programs offered by employers, professional organizations and other agencies only if those courses or programs have been evaluated by the American Council on Education (ACE). Non-traditional sources of college-equivalent learning may include a combination of formal and/or informal workplace training programs as evaluated by ACE and military training programs.

Credit by Advanced Placement

Students may receive advanced standing through the administration of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), advanced placement (AP) program, or the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, provided the examination scores are acceptable for credit. The required scores and appropriate credit hours awarded are listed on the following pages:

CLEP Exam Title Written Test Minimum Score for credit prior to 7/1/01 Computer Test Minimum Score for credit as of 7/1/01 Number of Credits Awarded Reynolds/VCCS Course Equivalent
English Composition with Essay 420 50 3 ENG 111  
Humanities 460 50 6 Humanities Elective
College Mathematics 450 50 3 MTH 154  
Social Sciences and History 430 50 6 Social Science or History Elective
American Literature 46 plus essay 50 6 ENG 246  
English Literature 46 plus essay 50 6 ENG 245  
• Level 1
• Level 2
FRE 101 -FRE 102 
FRE 101 -FRE 102 FRE 201 -FRE 202  
• Level 1
• Level 2
GER 101 -GER 102  
GER 101 -GER 102 GER 201 -GER 202  
• Level 1
• Level 2
SPA 101 -SPA 102 
SPA 101 -SPA 102 SPA 201 -SPA 202  
American Government 47 50 3 Social Science Elective
History of United States/Early Colonization to1877 45 50 3 HIS 121  
History of United States II,1865 to Present 45 50 3 HIS 122  
Human Growth and Development 45 50 3 PSY 230  
Principles of Macroeconomics 44 50 3 ECO 201  
Principles of Microeconomics 41 50 3 ECO 202  
Introduction to Psychology 47 50 3 PSY 200  
Introduction to Sociology - Comparative 47 50 3 SOC 200  
Western Civilization/Ancient Near East to1648 46 50 3 HIS 101  
Western Civilization II1648 to the Present 47 50 3 HIS 102  
Biology   50 8 BIO 101 -BIO 102  
Chemistry   50 8 CHM 111 -CHM 112  
Natural Sciences   50 8 BIO 141 -BIO 142  
College Algebra   50 3 MTH 161  
Precalculus   50 5 MTH 167  
Calculus   50 5 MTH 263  

Some four-year institutions do not allow transferred CLEP credits to satisfy degree requirements. If planning to transfer to a college or university, contact its Admissions office to find out how it uses CLEP credits.

AP Exam Title Minimum Score for Credit # of Credits Awarded Reynolds/VCCS Course Equivalent
Art History 3 6 ART 101 - History of Art: Prehistoric to Gothic -ART 102 - History of Art: Renaissance to Modern , 3 credits each
Art, Studio: Drawing 3 4 ART 121 - Foundations of Drawing , 4 credits
Art Studio: 3D Design 3 4 ART 131 - Two-Dimensional Design , 4 credits
Music Theory 3 4 MUS 111  
General Biology1 3 8 BIO 101 -BIO 102  
General Biology1 3 4 BIO 101  
Chemistry 3 8 CHM 111 -CHM 112  
Chemistry 3 4 CHM 111  
Computer Science A 3 4 CSC 201  
Calculus AB 3 4 MTH 263   
Calculus BC 3 8 MTH 263 -MTH 264  
Environmental Science 3 4 BIO 107  
Physics 1 3 4 PHY 201  
Physics 2 3 4 PHY 202  
Physics C Mechanics 3 4 PHY 241  
Physics C Electricity and Magnetism 3 4 PHY 242  
Statistics 3 3 MTH 245  

1 Students are encouraged to check required scores for transferability to four-year institutions. Credit for AP, IB,

Cambridge and CLEP Exams (state-supported institutions only), https://www.schev.edu/index/students-and-parents/prepare/credit-for-ap-ib-cambridge-and-clep-exams

Advanced Placement Tests and Scores Accepted by Virginia Institutions (all Virginia 4 year institutions, public and private), https://research.schev.edu/enrollment/b10_partc.asp.

English, Language & Composition 3 3 ENG 111  
English, Literature & Composition 3 3 ENG 111  
French, Language 3
FRE 101 -FRE 102 
FRE 101 -FRE 102 -FRE 201 
FRE 101 -FRE 102 FRE 201 -FRE 202  
German, Language 3
GER 101 -GER 102 
GER 101 -GER 102 -GER 201 
GER 101 -GER 102 GER 201 -GER 202  
Spanish, Language 3
SPA 101 -SPA 102 
SPA 101 -SPA 102 -SPA 201 
SPA 101 -SPA 102 SPA 201 -SPA 202  
Spanish, Literature 3 3 SPA 233
Human Geography 3 3 GEO 210  
United States Government and Politics 3 3 PLS 135  
Comparative Government and Politics 3 3 Social Science Elective
History, United States 3 6 HIS 121 -HIS 122  
History, European 3 6 HIS Elective
Economics, Macro 3 3 ECO 201   
Economics, Micro 3 3 ECO 202  
Psychology 3 3 PSY 200  
World History 3 6 History Electives

All Virginia community colleges shall accept a score of three (3) and higher for Advanced Placement (AP) courses, however, students are encouraged to check required scores for transfer ability to four-year institutions. The amount of credit awarded for each examination will be consistent with the Reynolds College Board recommendation. 

International Baccalaureate Exam Required Score # of Credits Awarded Reynolds/VCCS Course Equivalent

Business Management

4 or higher


BUS 100  

English Language A: Literature

(Higher Level)





ENG 111  

ENG 111 , ENG 112  

English Language A: Language and Literature

(Higher Level)





ENG 111  

ENG 111 , ENG 112  


English Language B: (Higher Level)



ENG 111  

French Language B:

(Higher Level)



6 or




FRE 101  and FRE 102  

FRE 101 , FRE 102 , and FRE 201  

FRE 101 , FRE 102 , FRE 201 , and FRE 202  

Spanish Language B:

(Higher Level)







SPA 101  and SPA 102  

SPA 101 SPA 102 , and SPA 201  

SPA 101 SPA 102 , SPA 201 , and SPA 202  

Mathematics and Computer Science




Computer Science: Standard Level

5 or higher


CSC 201  

Computer Science: (Higher Level)

4 or higher


CSC 201  

Mathematical Studies: Standard Level

5 or higher


MTH 111  or MTH 154  (according to the student’s program)

Mathematics Studies: Standard Level

5 or higher


MTH 111 MTH 154 , or MTH 161  (according to student’s program)

Further Mathematics (Higher Level)

5 or 6

7 or higher



MTH 263  

MTH 245  and MTH 263  

Mathematics: (Higher Level)

5 or 6

7 or higher



MTH 263  

MTH 263  and MTH 264  

Biology: Standard Level

5 or 6




BIO 101  

BIO 101  and BIO 102  

Biology: (Higher Level)

4 or 5 

6 or 7



BIO 101  

BIO 101  and BIO 102  

Chemistry: Standard Level

5 or higher


CHM 111  

Chemistry: (Higher Level)

4 or 5

6 or higher



CHM 111  

CHM 111  and CHM 112  

Physics: Standard Level

5 or higher


PHY 201 


Physics: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



PHY 201  

PHY 201  and PHY 202  

Art History: Standard Level

5 or higher


ART 101  

Philosophy: Standard Level

5 or higher


PHI 100  

Philosophy: (Higher Level)

4 or higher


PHI 100 


Economics: Standard Level

5 or higher


ECO 201 


Economics: (Higher Level)

4 or higher


ECO 201  and ECO 202  

Geography: Standard Level

5 or higher


GEO 210  

History: Standard Level


6 or higher



HIS 111  

HIS 111  and HIS 112  

History in English: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



HIS 101  

HIS 101  and HIS 102  

History of the Americas: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



HIS 121  

HIS 121  and HIS 122  

History of Africa and the Middle East: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



HIS 111  

HIS 111  and HIS 112  

History of Asia and Oceania: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



HIS 111  

HIS 111  and HIS 112  

History of Europe: (Higher Level)


5 or higher



HIS 101  

HIS 101  and HIS 102  

Psychology: Standard Level

5 or higher


PSY 200  

Psychology: (Higher Level)

4 or higher


PSY 200  

Sociology: Standard Level

5 or higher


SOC 200  

Sociology: (Higher Level)

4 or higher


SOC 200  

Graduation and Program Requirements

Graduation Honors

Students who have fulfilled the requirements of degree or certificate programs (with the exception of career studies certificates) are eligible for graduation honors. The honors based upon scholastic achievement are as follows:

*Graduating GPA Honor
3.200 Cum laude (with honor)
3.500 Magna cum laude (with high honor)
3.800 Summa cum laude (with highest honor)

NOTE: The cumulative GPA is used to determine graduation honors.

Graduation Requirements and Procedures

  1. A curricular student eligible for graduation is required to complete the graduation application through the Student Information System for each degree and certificate they are completing by the deadline for that semester or term. Deadlines are posted on the Reynolds website.
  2. If a student files for graduation but does not graduate, he or she must submit another graduation application for a subsequent term. Students may graduate after fall, spring, or summer terms. See section on “Commencement.”
  3. The student must complete all program requirements as specified in their catalog, including curricular admission requirements.
  4. The student must earn a grade point average of at least 2.000in the curriculum.
  5. The student must fulfill all of the course and credit-hour requirements of the curriculum with at least 25 percent of credit semester hours earned at Reynolds Community College.
  6. The student must submit all documentation of training, education, or tests from organizations outside of Reynolds to the Office of the Registrar by the last day of classes in their final semester. All Reynolds courses must also be completed by the last day of classes in their final semester. Incomplete “I” grades must be completed by this time in order to be used for graduation.
  7. The school dean for the curriculum must recommend the student for graduation, and the registrar must certify completion of all graduation requirements.
  8. The student must resolve all financial obligations with Reynolds and must return all library and college materials.


Reynolds has one formal commencement ceremony each year, which occurs after the spring semester for students completing certificate or associate degree curricula throughout the academic year. A student is not permitted to participate in a commencement ceremony prior to the completion of the program of study. Students who graduate in the summer or fall will be invited to participate in the next spring commencement ceremony.

Program Requirements

The catalog that will be used to review a student’s progress toward completion of program requirements and certification for graduation will be the catalog in effect at the time of the student’s initial matriculation into the program or any subsequent catalog in effect during the time of the student’s enrollment in the program, to be chosen by the student, provided that:

  1. The student has not been discontinued, as a result of breaks in enrollment. Otherwise the catalog in effect at the time of their return will become the effective catalog; and,
  2. The catalog is no more than seven years old at the time of graduation. Otherwise either the current catalog or any catalog that is no more than seven years old becomes the effective catalog. The catalog year to be used should be chosen by the student in consultation with the program head/curricular advisor, with the program head having the final determination of appropriate catalog year. Wherever possible, substitutions will be utilized to maximize the usage of previously-taken courses while maintaining the integrity of the degree.

Associate Degree

To be awarded an associate degree from Reynolds, a student must have fulfilled all course requirements of the curriculum as outlined in the Reynolds Catalog with a minimum of 25 percent of the credits earned at Reynolds.


To be eligible for graduation with a certificate or career studies certificate from Reynolds, a student must have fulfilled all course requirements of the curriculum as outlined in the Reynolds Catalog with a minimum of 25 percent of the credits earned at Reynolds.

Second Degree Or Certificate

Reynolds may grant credit for all completed applicable courses which are requirements of the additional degree, diploma, certificate, or career studies certificate. However, the awards must differ from one another by at least 25 percent of the credits.

Change of Curriculum (Program/Plan)

Students who desire to change programs must consult with a faculty advisor or advising specialist in Advising Services. The Office of the Registrar will process the request, provided all applicable admission requirements for the new program have been satisfied. Program/plan changes are effective for subsequent semesters in most cases.

Students should be aware that program/plan changes effect the catalog year of their respective program. Students will follow the curricular requirements based upon the effective date of the plan change. Program changes may also effect Financial Aid Award status.

Waiver and Substitution of Course Requirements

Students may petition the appropriate school dean for the waiver of required courses in the curriculum. If required courses are waived, other courses must be substituted in the curriculum to meet the specified credit hour requirement.

No credit is granted for the waived courses.

Student Records

Mailing Address

It is the student’s responsibility to keep this information up-to-date with the Office of the Registrar. Timely reporting of name and address changes will assist Reynolds in ensuring proper delivery of important notices and announcements. Students can submit address changes through the Student Information System (SIS) or by visiting a campus Advising Services on the Downtown and Goochland campuses or the Office of the Registrar on the Parham Road Campus. 

Email Communication

Electronic mail or “email” is an official method for communication at Reynolds. All official email communication will be distributed to VCCS email accounts only for students enrolled in at least one course. Reynolds will utilize the VCCS email to communicate
important information to enrolled students. Students should check their student email regularly.


A transcript is a copy of the student’s permanent academic record at Reynolds. An official transcript carries the Reynolds seal and is sent to other educational institutions and agencies. Effective July 1, 2019, Reynolds began using the Parchment transcript ordering and delivery service. (On the Reynolds.edu website, the student navigates to Transcripts and Grades for information and the link to the Reynolds Parchment Storefront to place an order.) There are associated fees based upon type of delivery (electronic, U.S. Postal Service). Transcripts will not be released until all obligations to the business office, bookstore, or library have been paid in full. Students may produce an unofficial transcript from their student center via MyREYNOLDS.

NOTE: If you are transferring to another college in the Virginia Community College System, you do not need to submit a transcript to that college. You should let that college know that you were previously enrolled at Reynolds (there should be are lease you can provide to allow transfer of courses). Similarly, Reynolds does not require transcripts from other VCCS schools. You should complete and submit Request for Evaluation of a VCCS Transcript and Reynolds will transfer needed courses.

Enrollment Verification and Certifications for Loan Deferment

At the written request of the student, the Office of the Registrar, will produce official verification of enrollment. These are typically required as documentation to continue the student’s eligibility for dependent services, benefits, and insurance external to Reynolds.

Students wishing to defer repayment of certain loans should submit the appropriate forms from the lending agency to Advising Services at Downtown or Goochland campuses or to the Office of the Registrar and Parham Road Campus. Reynolds will transmit the student’s enrollment data to the National Student Loan Clearing house for distribution to the appropriate lending agency. Official and final enrollment verification as well as loan deferment certifications will be processed after the deadline to drop with a refund for any particular semester or term.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) offers students certain rights with respect of their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day Reynolds receives a request for access. Students should submit written requests to the Office of the Registrar, Parham Road Campus, Georgiadis Hall, Room 207. The request must identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The Registrar office staff will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records maybe inspected.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes to be inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask Reynolds to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the Reynolds official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.

If Reynolds decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, Reynolds will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.

  1. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by Reynolds or the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff). Other typical exceptions include:
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • High schools of dual or concurrent enrollment students;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies;
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, and pursuant to specific State law;
  • A person or company with whom Reynolds or VCCS has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent);
  • A person serving on the Reynolds College Board or Foundation Board;
  • A student serving on an official college committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks, excluding student government/leadership organization tasks; and
  • A school official with a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Reynolds to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

Notice Regarding Directory Information

FERPA designates certain information as “directory information,” which may be released upon request without the student’s expressed written consent. It is the policy of Reynolds Community College not to publish a student directory. However, name, address, telephone number, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and term course load can be released upon request unless a student notifies the Office of the Registrar either in writing or through the Student Information System.